
Contact Barb

What is a Celebrant

Weddings and Other Services

Working With a

Meeting With Your

About Barb



"I recently lost a close friend whose family decided to have a celebrant service. It was very special. One could feel his personality woven into a service that was casual and relaxed, and allowed us to share laughter and tears. We remembered him in a way he would want to be remembered."

"The celebrant service allowed everyone to participate in recalling wonderful memories, ad we left the service enjoying a new sense of friendship with all who attended."

Ken Stoughton

Why Families Turn to a Celebrant
in Their Time of Loss

A CELEBRANT IS MORE than just a trained professional who facilitates memorial services. Indeed, a Celebrant can be your voice at a time when it is particularly hard for you to express what's in your heart. By listening, planning nad delivering a highly personal service, your celebrant will share your loved one's life story the way you and your family believe it should be shared - in a way taht honors a legacy and turns memories into a moving experience... even for those hearing them the first time.